
a space where I will rant about: baseball, fitness training, MMA, comic books, video games, philosophy, politics, society, and general assclownery.
NOTE: I annotate all my lifting as weight x reps x sets, so 200x3x5 would be 200lbs done for three repetitions for five sets.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

WOD 10.23.08

Heavy deadlifts today, 5 sets of 3 reps

405x3, 415x3, 415x3, 425x3, 435x2

Didn't reset properly on the last one. Wasn't feeling the pulls today, only the 4th set felt smooth.

Accessory Work
Ring Rows 3x8
Lateral plank 3x1:15

Then I did some goat work:
3 rounds of
25 double-unders and 5 muscle-ups.

Didn't put a timer too it, but I wanted to practice the technique under a bit of metabolic stress. I am getting a decent rhythm with the double, single, single, double, and my kip is getting better on the MU's. David was explaining something about turning my wrists out but it didn't make sense during the mini-wod. Something to work on Saturday.

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