
a space where I will rant about: baseball, fitness training, MMA, comic books, video games, philosophy, politics, society, and general assclownery.
NOTE: I annotate all my lifting as weight x reps x sets, so 200x3x5 would be 200lbs done for three repetitions for five sets.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Crossfit Level 1 Certification at CFSBK

This weekend we hosted a Level 1 certification at our gym. Truly an awesome experience. The staff was amazing, Pat Sherwood did a phenomenal job of running the show. The trainers, Adrian Bozman, EC, Rob Miller, Chuck, Maggie, were all a pleasure to work with. I learned so much more than I expected to this weekend. I am a fairly competent crossfiter and at least familiar with all the movements, but watching the way a all these trainers can break down a movement, spot mistakes, correct them, and cue for future success was eye opening. Even the lectures, the majority of which I have seen the videos and read the articles they were based on, but so many little connections clicked hearing them live this weekend. The highlight was Coach Glassman's speech/Q&A session. He started by praising CFSBK's community, its space, and David, the man who makes it happen. It was gratifying to see the hard work put in to building CFSBK get the attention it deserves.

Fight Gone Burpee (Basically Fight Gone Bad but with Burpees substituted for Rowing).
3 Rounds 5 mins of a continous clock as many reps as possible at each station, 1 min per station.
75# Push Press
Wall ball shots 20# ball
SDHP 75#
20" Box Jumps
Total 295

15 Rounds
7 Medicine Ball Cleans 20# ball
7 Pushups
Time 7:52

Both were some tough ass workouts, neither score was an insane firebreather score, but I'm proud to say both were the best scores of the day.

I know they are expensive, but if you have the opportunity to get to a cert, you owe it to yourself as a crossfiter to do so.

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