
a space where I will rant about: baseball, fitness training, MMA, comic books, video games, philosophy, politics, society, and general assclownery.
NOTE: I annotate all my lifting as weight x reps x sets, so 200x3x5 would be 200lbs done for three repetitions for five sets.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

WOD 9.17.08

Today was Push Jerks and some accessory work

Push Jerk 1x7
185, 205, 215, 225, 235fail, 235, 245fail

The first 235 I did not commit to, got more aggressive the 2nd time and nailed it. Still need to get more comfortable being underneath the bar.

After that we did some Jerk Dip Squats which consisted of loading the bar 5-10% heavier than you can jerk and doing the dip drive portion of the movement.

Jerk Dip Squat
245x3, 255x3

The some Sotts Presses and V-ups.

Sotts Press 40lbsx10x3

V Ups 3x10

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