
a space where I will rant about: baseball, fitness training, MMA, comic books, video games, philosophy, politics, society, and general assclownery.
NOTE: I annotate all my lifting as weight x reps x sets, so 200x3x5 would be 200lbs done for three repetitions for five sets.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

WOD 11.19.08 The Bear

Today we did a Bear complex, which is a series of movements done with a barbell for a set of repetitions. The goal is to find the most weight at which you can successfully complete the series, without putting the bar down.

The Bear"
5 Rounds of
7 sets of the sequence:
Power Clean
Front Squat
Push Press
Back Squat
Push Press

R1: 95
R2: 115
R3: 135
R4: 145x4
R5: 145x4

Grip was the limiting factor, just couldn't control the damn bar after the 4th set on the last two rounds.

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