
a space where I will rant about: baseball, fitness training, MMA, comic books, video games, philosophy, politics, society, and general assclownery.
NOTE: I annotate all my lifting as weight x reps x sets, so 200x3x5 would be 200lbs done for three repetitions for five sets.

Friday, December 26, 2008

WOD 12.26.08 Lynne

Worked out at Crossfit the Rock out on LI. We did Lynne.

5 Rounds:
Max reps of BW Bench (170lbs)/Pull-ups
R1 25/42
R2 17/25
R3 16/26
R4 10/22
R5 6/20

Tore my hands up pretty bad on round 2. The bench felt harder than the last time I did this, and the pull-ups were a pain the ass as my hands got worse and worse. But the 42 pull-ups the first round is a new PR for me, so it makes all the other crap worth it.

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