
a space where I will rant about: baseball, fitness training, MMA, comic books, video games, philosophy, politics, society, and general assclownery.
NOTE: I annotate all my lifting as weight x reps x sets, so 200x3x5 would be 200lbs done for three repetitions for five sets.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

A Tale of Two Weekends Part II: The Belmont Stakes 2008

So this weekend was very different from the last, other than than the fact that both involved sweating profusely.
My friends and I headed out to Belmont Racetrack to watch yet another possible Triple Crown. We have now seen every extreme of weather in Mother Nature's early June arsenal. A few years ago it was 50 degrees and piss raining all day long, this year it was 100ยบ heat and sun. Much sun, no shade, and much sun. I want to emphasize how much sun I was exposed to that day. I do not burn. I have gone to Puerto Rico in December and not burned after a day on the beach. I burned at the Belmont. 9 hours in the sun. Horrible. All day my rally cry was "Never Again." I wanted Big Brown to win so we could say we saw a Triple Crown and then never go to the fucking Belmont ever again. If there was another possible Triple Crown in the future we could go to a bar (one with a roof and AC) and watch the race in comfort. This was also the first year I was sober for the Belmont (a combination of the heat and the no BYOB policy enacted this year) and let me tell you if you're going to watch horses run around in a circle for 9 hours it's better to do so while drunk.
So after hours of placing bullshit dollar bets on the other races, sweating, drinking more than a gallon of water, and doing serious damage to my skin, it was time for the big race. In case you haven't heard he didn't win, or place, or show, he came in DFL (Dead Fucking Last). What a payoff.
All that said, it was fun. We laughed our asses off all day, we had a great time, and after we dropped some people off in Queens we had some kick-ass Czech food at Zlata Praha. Misery may love company, but good company trumps misery anytime.

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