
a space where I will rant about: baseball, fitness training, MMA, comic books, video games, philosophy, politics, society, and general assclownery.
NOTE: I annotate all my lifting as weight x reps x sets, so 200x3x5 would be 200lbs done for three repetitions for five sets.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Mid-Atlantic Hopper Challenge

Saturday was the Mid-Atlantic Hopper Challenge at Crossfit BWI.

First WOD out of the hopper was BWI's version of the Crippler

BWI Crippler
30 Front Squats @ 1/2BW (90lbs)
1 Mile Run
Time 8:09

First 800m I could barely move my legs, no knee raise at all, second half I got my stride back and was able to open up a bit.

2nd WOD was disapointing in that Double Unders were in it. I can barely do them, and definetly not well enough to string them together in a WOD, I had to sub 3x singles.
The Rep scheme for the Wod was 5 rounds, every round began with burpees, then 135lb Sumo-deadlift high pulls, and double unders (or singles).
R1 10 Burpee, 5 SDHP, 75 Singles
R2 20 Burpee, 5 SDHP, 75 Singles
R3 30 Burpee, 5 SDHP, 75 Singles
R4 20 Burpee, 5 SDHP, 75 Singles
R5 10 Burpee, 5 SDHP, 75 Singles
Time 10:56

Decent time but with it being a scaled WOD it didn't count for anything. Real disapointed, somewhat that DU's came up, mostly that I haven't mastered them yet. But, thats why you do a hopper WOD, the shit you suck at will find you, just gives you another reason not to suck at it.

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